VIRTUAL | Jim Coplien: Scrum Patterns
Scrum community experts have been collecting these secrets for years, and working together to write them down as patterns. Even the inventor of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland, now uses them as a central part of his training and of describing Scrum. And now they’re freely available to you. Come and learn how to use them and what they mean to your organization, and how you can use them to chart a powerful new direction of kaizen for your Scrum team!
You’ll learn things about Scrum at a deeper level than you probably reached during your CSM, PSM, or CSPO training - and we can focus the seminar on your team’s special needs. You will learn the secrets that Scrum’s designers and foremost practitioners use to reap all the benefits of lean and agile, including advanced techniques for multi-team Scrums.
All participants of the course get a copy of the book.
Key Objectives – Curriculum
The core agenda of this program will be to present, explore and adequately cover the following areas:
- Scrum Pattern Principles & Fundamentals
- An Example Pattern
- Patterns Recover Lost Knowledge
- How to Read a Pattern
- What is a Pattern?
- A Concrete look at Scrum Organizational Structure Patterns
- Introduction to Pattern Sequences and Pattern Languages
- Sequences
- Pattern Languages
- The Fundamental Process
- Emergence
- Organizational Learning
- Building a world-class team
- The Other Pattern Language: The Value Stream
- A Scrum Value Stream: a concrete look at some of the patterns
- Improving your Value Stream
- Building a Product Owner
- Applying Scrum Patterns Day to Day
- Using Scrum Patterns to improve your Organization
- Pattern Mining
- Applying Patterns back Home
- Introducing the Patterns and the Role of Instinct
- Assessment and feedback after “installing” a pattern
- Continual — not continuous — improvement
- Using patterns for training, process conformance, etc.
Target Audience
A Scrum Course is for anyone who is involved in small or large scale Scrum adoption. This is not an introductory course, but assumes that the attendee has been through basic Scrum training (CSM, PSM, CSPO, etc.) or has been engaged in basic Scrum practice (as a team member, developer, Scrum Master, Product Owner, manager, etc.)
"I very much enjoyed all the eye openers you guys handed me. It nudged me onto a journey of deepening my understanding of Scrum and how it relates to all that is agile.” — Jeroen Valkier, JINZ, Amsterdam
"Don’t miss The Spirit of Scrum (course by James Coplien): When new insights inspire me to update my approach to agile, it has been 2 days of fabulous education.” — Leise Passer Jensen, Denmark
"Thank you James Coplien and Karel Smutný for an unforgettable course of Scrum Patterns. It was uncompromising and anything but ordinary. What a pleasure to learn from you guys. I’ll do my best to “not just suck a little less” ;).” — Kristina Melsova, PSM II, Prague
"I highly recommend it to every seasoned Scrum Master to deepen their understanding of Scrum.” — Karel Smutný, PST, Prague
About the trainer
Jim Coplien is the founder of the Pasteur Organizational Patterns project, which was the foundation for the Borland QuatroPro for Windows study that inspired Jeff Sutherland to include daily stand-up meetings in Scrum. This work was also one of the main foundations underlying the organizational principles of Extreme Programming. In a former life Cope is best known for his design and programming books such as Advanced C++, Multi-Paradigm Design, and the pioneering two books of the PLoPD series of edited works. He is also one of the founders of the pattern discipline, and he is the Product Owner for the Scrum patterns effort at ScrumPLoP.
Duration: 1 Day Online version with four 90-minute modules
Technical setup: Zoom
Price: € 300 - excl. VAT
Registration: Contact us
The online training will take place when 6 people have signed up
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