Michael Plod - DDD
This masterclass aims at giving you an in-depth overview of the strategic part of domain-driven design. Strategic domain-driven design is a powerful methodology for designing large systems in a decoupled and especially decentralized manner. By identifying clear boundaries between bounded contexts and by matching them to the business architecture (subdomains) and the organization of teams (context maps/team topologies) you can make sure that a lot of work can stay within a team. This leads to faster development cycles and higher quality due to specialization.
This masterclass teaches you how to work with these ideas and how to apply them to the real world.
Training Outline
- Brief overview of domain-driven design Problem vs solution space
- How to understand your problem space better and how to identify good boundaries for your problem domain Subdomains and their categories
- Bounded contexts
- Correlation between bounded contexts and subdomains
- How to identify bounded contexts
- Bounded contexts in monoliths and microservices
- Context maps
Each participant gets a rebate coupon for Michael’s DDD book on Leanpub as well.
About the trainer
Michael Plöd works as a fellow for INNOQ. He has over 15 years of practical consulting experience in software development and architecture. His main areas of interest are currently domain-driven design, event sourcing, microservices, and presentation techniques for developers and architects. Michael is the author of the book Hands-on Domain-driven Design - by example on Leanpub.
Upcoming training dates
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