Technical Scan – GOTO Academy NL

Technical Scan


What's a Technical Scan?

Our technical scan provides your team and business with actionable insights to help steer your most complex software projects with the goal of driving the growth of your business to new heights.

This is achieved by undertaking a thorough assessment of your IT landscape and zooming in on areas that you need the most guidance on. As a result, we provide you with actionable recommendations for the short, medium and long term.

The technical scan can focus on your Software Architecture, Microservices, Cloud Readiness or Security to name a few. We break our program into three main steps...



1. Kick off session

We start the journey with a kick off session where our experts will establish the broader context and identify the real “why” for undertaking the technical scan. The main goal is to determine the focus for the subsequent steps of the program. 

  • Clearly understand the “why”
  • Determine the focus
  • Set the context for the subsequent steps

2. System analysis

Next we’ll look to assess the security and structure of your systems. Depending on the focus of the scan, this can either be specific (only zooming in on certain systems and/or applications) or broad (encompassing your entire IT landscape). 

  • Take a critical look into your languages, frameworks and libraries
  • Determine the ease of adjusting, removing or replacing elements
  • Assess the security of your systems

3. Advice & plan of action

In this final step, we will work alongside your team to distill the major findings of the scan. The previous steps’ outcomes will be translated into actionable recommendations that are aligned with your business strategy and goals, for the short, medium and long-term.

  • Present a comprehensive list of actionable recommendations
  • Make suggestions to put your projects (back) on track
  • Classify short, medium and long term activities


Our Experts

Joris Kuipers






Joris is a CTO, Architect and Enterprise Java Consultant & Software engineer with 20 years of experience in a variety of fields such as finance, education, health care and government.

My specialties are mostly related to back-end processing: micro-services, authentication & authorization, integration (incl. SOAP and REST), messaging (JMS/AMQP), transaction management, NoSQL solutions, CQRS/event sourcing, batch processing etc. I've built many web applications as well. Technologies: expert level in Enterprise Java, the entire Spring ecosystem, Hibernate/JPA and many other OSS libraries and frameworks. I'm programming mostly in Java, but have also done lots of Groovy in the past and know my way around Kotlin as well. 

Thomas Zeeman







Thomas is an expert when it comes to Java, Spring and enterprise application development. He has introduced and trained many developers into Java and its ecosystem. Besides that he has worked on various enterprise applications as developer, architect or technical consultant at many customers, both large and small.

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