Mike Amundsen: Design and Build Great APIs – GOTO Academy NL

Mike Amundsen: Design and Build Great APIs


Attendees should already have experience creating APIs and should have a working knowledge of HTTP, NodeJS, and the Web in general. Exposure to OpenAPISpec( Swagger), API Blueprint, and Application-Level Profile Semantics (ALPS) is helpful, but not required. Experience w/ git/Github, postman/newman, and the heroku CLI is also helpful. 

Attendees should bring a WiFi-enabled laptop installed with the following:

  • Your favorite text editor Design and Build Great APIs : GOTO Masterclass 2 / 3 • curl (v7+)
  • NodeJS (v10+) & NPM (v6+)
  • Git (v1.9+) w/ Github SSH support
  • Postman (v6.4+) & Newman (v4+) CLI
  • Heroku CLI (v7+)

Attendees will need to have active accounts at the following web sites/services: